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Tuesday, October 26, 2010

                                   This is a trail called Corkscrew it is a Black diamond but really easy.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. thanks mac and Austyn and HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!!

  3. Hey Carson this my second post on your blog (my first one was too short) anyways I really like your blog it's pretty cool,this could really help me and other people that ride a lot. These are some really cool pictures when I ride I don't stop to look at the trail really. Also I was thinking I could help you, I ride Seymour at least once a week so I could send you photo's and a definition so if you leave a reply that would be cool. Also what other trails will you be talking about and what will you do during the winter? Also I maybe you could possibly put more information I understand that the weather wasn't very good so better luck next week. And I don't ride Fromme very much so I will like to hear more about that and of course some picture's anyways goodbye P.S Merry Christmas P.P.S and a happy new year.

  4. Great comment, Mac! I think it's a great idea to help each other out with our blogs and to find people with similar interests.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Thanks mac that's great I hope this blog will help and in the winter I was thinking of going to where I took the first picture and take them again with them all covered in snow I thought that would be cool. and I will talk more about the trail's for you if you would like. And maybe we could go biking together sometime? And some other trail's to talk about I talk about the one's I ride. Do you have any suggestion's?

  7. Mac what were you talking about when it sais this post has been removed by the auther!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

  8. Oh it was too short so I removed it on another subject I like Pie do you? Also it would be nice to go riding together some time, Also I can reccomend some good unmarked trail on the dark side of Seymour

  9. Cool and I do like pie and it would rock to go biking some time. Name some trails that are on the back side of Seymour cause I have only gone 1.
